All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in total
Ep. 24 - Jews & Politics: Balancing Torah Values and Political Participation
Join us as we explore the intricate relationship between Jews and politics in America. In our conversation, we express gratitude towards the United States for the unpr...

Ep. 23 - Being the Chosen People: Understanding the Meaning and Responsibility
Discover the profound meaning behind the concept of the "chosen people" in Jewish tradition and learn how this identity is more about commitment than superiority. Our ...

Ep. 22 - The Unique Daf Yomi Journey of Houston, Texas
Rabbi Yaakov Nagel shares his transformative journey into the world of Daf Yomi on the Unboxing Judaism Podcast. With over two decades of dedication to this daily Talm...

Ep. 21 - Balancing Justice and Mercy: A Jewish View on Rejoicing Over the Fall of Adversaries
When we witness the fall of someone who has embodied evil, the tangle of emotions can be as complex as the Talmudic debates themselves. In this episode we embark on a ...

Ep. 20 - Death, Mourning and Afterlife
When the world seems to spin a little slower and the heart feels the heavy weight of loss, it's the shared stories that bring comfort and understanding. We extend a te...

Ep. 12 - Celebrating X-mas with a Chanukah Bush?
In this Episode (#12) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the question of "Celebrating X-mas with a Chanukah Bush" and is t...

Ep. 19 - Why Don't the Religious Serve in the IDF?!
Ever wondered why some religious Jews choose not to serve in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF)? You might be surprised to learn that many proudly enlist, paralleling the...

Ep. 18 - Wigs & Shaitels: The Elegant Enigma - Delving into the Dynamics of Modesty and Jewish Tradition
Prepare to embark on a captivating journey with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe and Rabbi Yaakov Nagel, as they trace the intricate customs of hair covering for married Jewish women...

Ep. 17 - Arranged Marriages
In this Episode (#17) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the misunderstanding that people have about the setup, dating and...

Shavuos Roundtable (with TORCH Rabbis & Podcasters)
In preparation for the upcoming festival of Shavuos, the TORCH Rabbis and Podcasters gathered together in the magnificent TORCH Centre to discuss the upcoming days of ...

Ep. 16 - Yom Ha'atzmaut
In this Episode (#16) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the controversy surrounding the Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel's Independ...

Pesach Roundtable (with TORCH Rabbis & Podcasters)
In preparation for the upcoming festival of Pesach, the TORCH Rabbis and Podcasters gathered together in the magnificent TORCH Centre to discuss the upcoming days of r...

Ep. 15 - Technology & Children
In this Episode (#15) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the opportunities and challenges of technology and the impact it ...

Ep. 14 - Understanding Tragedies
In this Episode (#14) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the challenging news of tragedies, whenever they occur. What is t...

Ep. 13 - Why Are So Many Jews Anti-Zionists?
In this Episode (#13) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the troubling trend of anti-zionism from a multitude of groups. F...

Ep. 11 - Isn't It Enough To Just Be Good?!
In this Episode (#11) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast, Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe discuss the question of "Isn't It Enough To Just Be Good?!" Why do we nee...

Chanukah Roundtable with TORCH Rabbis & Podcasters
In preparation for the upcoming festival of Chanukah, the TORCH Rabbis and Podcasters gathered together in the TORCH Centre to discuss the upcoming days of light. Each...

Ep. 10 - Antisemitism - Why the Jews?!
Discussed in this Podcast (Episode 10): What is the reason behind the recent bout of antisemitism and how come the Jews have been on the receiving end of so much hate ...

Ep. 9 - Is it OK to Disagree with God?
Discussed in this Podcast (Episode 9): Is it OK to Disagree with God? Do I have to agree with everything written in the Torah? What's if I think it's outdated and arch...

Ep. 8 - Kosher: Blessed by a Rabbi
Discussed in this Podcast (Episode 8): Does Kosher mean blessed by a Rabbi? Why do we need Kosher Supervision on food? Why are there so many organizations that supervi...

Ep. 7 - Do The Jews Have it Right?
Discussed in this Podcast: Do the Jews have it right? Are we so confident that our way is the best ay to live life? Also, What is the most important character trait to...

Sukkah Roundtable with TORCH Rabbis & Podcasters
This special Sukkos episode is dedicated in honor of our dear friends, Peter & Becky Botvin, who have been such dedicated friends of TORCH for many years! May Hashem c...

Ep. 6 - Why Study Torah?
Discussed in this Podcast: Why should a Jew feel compelled to study Torah, a document handed down to Moshe and the Jewish people 3,300 year ago and what is it's releva...

Ep. 5 - Assimilation and Tattoos
Discussed in this Podcast: (1) Would assimilation and intermarriage with the gentiles perhaps decrease antisemitism and hatred against the Jews? (2) Is it true that ...

Ep. 4 - Creating Barriers
Unboxing Judaism is a podcast discussing fundamental Jewish topics through the lens of modern culture with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from TORCH, in Hous...

Ep. 3 - Don’t be Stingy with your Wisdom
Unboxing Judaism is a podcast discussing fundamental Jewish topics through the lens of modern culture with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from TORCH, in Hous...

Ep. 2 - Wait, Don't Judge Me!
Unboxing Judaism is a podcast with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from TORCH, where they discuss fundamental Jewish topics through the lens of modern culture...

Ep. 1 - Fiddler's "Tradition"
Unboxing Judaism is a podcast with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from TORCH, where they discuss fundamental Jewish topics through the lens of modern culture...